The Euphoric Dance of the Unconquered Mind
Oil Paintings of Mexika (Aztec) Dancers from the SF Bay Area
Oil Paintings of Mexika (Aztec) Dancers from the SF Bay Area
Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo first encountered traditional Mexika dance and connected with her Indigenous heritage when she moved from Petaluma, California to San José, California. She was introduced to Mexica ceremonial dance circles in the community. She has participated in traditional Mexika dance ceremonies in the SF Bay Area, including in San José and at Alcatraz Island during Unthanksgiving, honoring Indigenous people and the reclaiming of Alcatraz Island 1969.
The Euphoric Dance of the Unconquered Mind features textured oil paintings of Mexika dancers that exude movement, energy, and power to celebrate the continued tradition of Indigenous dance ceremony. To create the work, Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo crops and combines her own photographs of dancers in movement and renders the composition on canvas, applying paint with a palette knife for a thick impasto. This work is based on Mexika dancers from the San Francisco Bay Area, in acknowledgment of the living culture-keepers who preserve and practice Indigenous traditions in the 21st century, across social and political borders. The vibrantly colored paintings celebrate mental liberation and honor our Indigenous ancestors. The vibrantly colored paintings celebrate continued existence and strength of Indigenous people, mental liberation, and honor our Indigenous ancestors who live on through these traditions.
Esta serie llamada La Danza euphórica de la mente insumisa, esta compuesta de obras de danzantes Mexika en oléo sobre tela. Los danzantes celebran la energía, poder, y libertad que llevamos todos por dentro. Las imagenes estan basadas en fotografías que tomé de danzantes en la aréa de la bahía de San Francisco. La superficie de estas obras tienen una guresa textura impasto ya que las pinto con cuchillo.
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Installation Views at Centro de Artes Gallery
Solo Exhibition - Centro de Artes Gallery - 2022
VIDEO: El Placazo - San Anto Cultural Arts
on-site at Centro de Artes Gallery
on-site at Centro de Artes Gallery
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