Ketzalkoatl: Cultura & Nahuatl
Enlaces: conocimiento ancestral y aprendizaje de Nahuatl
Ancestral Anahuak culture and Nahuatl language resources
Enlaces: conocimiento ancestral y aprendizaje de Nahuatl
Ancestral Anahuak culture and Nahuatl language resources
Explore the links below to learn more about the culture of Anahuac (Mesoamerica), ancient Mexico, and teachings related to toltekayotl, mexikayotl. I am providing mainly Nahuatl language, and Mexika (aka: Aztec) and Mixtek cultural resources.
The links contain articles, amoxtli ancestral books (aka: "codices"), links to Nahuatl lessons, books to learn Nahuatl, dictionaries for Nahuatl studies, as well as blogs and other links. I will be adding links as they become available.
Sign up for updates with information about Nahuatl studies/workshops, Nahuatl learning materials, and new resources. Please contact with jpg and edited text to have your lessons or resources shared.
>>Esta pagina es para todos los que buscan aprender mas acerca de la cultura ancestral de México, Anahuak, toltecayotl y mexicayotl. Use esta pagina para bajar amoxtli/codices y encontrar recursos de Nahuatl. Apuntese abajo para recibir noticias. Favor de compartir sus enlaces.
The links contain articles, amoxtli ancestral books (aka: "codices"), links to Nahuatl lessons, books to learn Nahuatl, dictionaries for Nahuatl studies, as well as blogs and other links. I will be adding links as they become available.
Sign up for updates with information about Nahuatl studies/workshops, Nahuatl learning materials, and new resources. Please contact with jpg and edited text to have your lessons or resources shared.
>>Esta pagina es para todos los que buscan aprender mas acerca de la cultura ancestral de México, Anahuak, toltecayotl y mexicayotl. Use esta pagina para bajar amoxtli/codices y encontrar recursos de Nahuatl. Apuntese abajo para recibir noticias. Favor de compartir sus enlaces.
Learn Classical Nahuatl - Aprenda Nahuatl Clásico
Basic Nahuatl Guide
An Overview of Classical Nahuatl for Beginners 16 pages (including covers), bilingual: English/Spanish, 11 x 8.5" Price: $20 (includes shipping & handling within continental USA.) >Ships via a third-party service. Choose "USD" at top right. Use a credit card to avoid a "foreign transaction fee" from debit/Paypal. *Shipping is based on address. Order/Ordenar: $20 Guia de nahuatl basico Resumen completo del nahuatl clásico para principiantes 16 paginas (incluyendo portadas), bilingüe: español/inglés, 11 x 8.5" Precio: $20 (incluye gastos de envío dentro de EEUU.) >Servicio de terceros. Seleccione "USD" arriba/derecha. Use tarjeta de credito para evitar tarifas adicionales que se cobran por debito/Paypal. *El envío se cobra de acuerdo a domicilio |
Nahuatl Booklet Sample Pages (Cuatro páginas del Librito de Nahuatl)
print copies have edited header and page numbers
print copies have edited header and page numbers
mobile: horizontal, close ad with x (top right), tap full screen icon [ ]

Cultura Resource Links
Consigna de Kuautemok: ("Decreto" de Cuauhtemoc, ultimo mensaje, mandato)
INASCA- Indigenous/ Native Arts & Sciences of Chikomoztok Academy
Did Mexika Human Sacrifice Exist? (Summary of the lies surrounding Aztec Ritual Sacrifice) by Kurly Tlapoyawa
"Aztec" Philosophy- by James Maffie, University of Maryland
Weaving the Aztec Cosmos by James Maffie
Kanakue -espanol & english
Cultura Ancestral, Toltekayotl, Mexico, Anahuac
Aqui no hay ningun ombligo- (significado del nombre de Mexico)
Tonalpohualli- find the tonalli/energy of today or the day of your birth
Tonalpohua- find the additional energies of a date (regent, bird, nocturnal energy, etc)
Consigna de Kuautemok: ("Decreto" de Cuauhtemoc, ultimo mensaje, mandato)
INASCA- Indigenous/ Native Arts & Sciences of Chikomoztok Academy
Did Mexika Human Sacrifice Exist? (Summary of the lies surrounding Aztec Ritual Sacrifice) by Kurly Tlapoyawa
"Aztec" Philosophy- by James Maffie, University of Maryland
Weaving the Aztec Cosmos by James Maffie
Kanakue -espanol & english
Cultura Ancestral, Toltekayotl, Mexico, Anahuac
Aqui no hay ningun ombligo- (significado del nombre de Mexico)
Tonalpohualli- find the tonalli/energy of today or the day of your birth
Tonalpohua- find the additional energies of a date (regent, bird, nocturnal energy, etc)

Amoxtli of Anawak
(Indigenous Mesoamerican books, also known as Aztec, or Mesoamerican, codex/codices)
libros antiguos y auténticos de México
[amoxtli=book, libro]
The pre-contact ones are (antes de la invasion Europea):
Mixteco: Codex Bodley, Colombino-Becker, Nuttall, Vindobonensis Mexicanus I, Codice Selden
Maya: Codex Dresde, Madrid, Paris
Mexika: Matricula de los Tributos, Tira de la Peregrinacion, Codice Borbonico
Grupo Borgia: Codex Borgia, Codice Vaticano B, Codice Laud, Fejerváry-Mayer, Cospi
Downloadable Amoxtli (Bajar amoxtli)
.jpg format per page for most of the amoxtli listed above.
Download .pdf format of some amoxtli here. (Bajar)
Some complete.pdf versions are included for download below.
(Indigenous Mesoamerican books, also known as Aztec, or Mesoamerican, codex/codices)
libros antiguos y auténticos de México
[amoxtli=book, libro]
The pre-contact ones are (antes de la invasion Europea):
Mixteco: Codex Bodley, Colombino-Becker, Nuttall, Vindobonensis Mexicanus I, Codice Selden
Maya: Codex Dresde, Madrid, Paris
Mexika: Matricula de los Tributos, Tira de la Peregrinacion, Codice Borbonico
Grupo Borgia: Codex Borgia, Codice Vaticano B, Codice Laud, Fejerváry-Mayer, Cospi
Downloadable Amoxtli (Bajar amoxtli)
.jpg format per page for most of the amoxtli listed above.
Download .pdf format of some amoxtli here. (Bajar)
Some complete.pdf versions are included for download below.

amoxtli_fejervary_mayer.pdf |

amoxtli_codice_laud.pdf |

amoxtli_codex_borbonico.pdf |

codice_cospi.pdf |

codice_vaticano_b.pdf |
Tlacuilo-6 videos para aprender la escritura en glifos Nahuatl de los Mexihka
(Read Anahuak Writing (Interpreting Mesoamerican writing, pictographs, logograms, glyphs, art)
Interpretación del amoxtli Youalli Ehekatl "Codice Borgia" (Avanzado)
(Read Anahuak Writing (Interpreting Mesoamerican writing, pictographs, logograms, glyphs, art)
Interpretación del amoxtli Youalli Ehekatl "Codice Borgia" (Avanzado)
Nahuatl Lessons. Aprenda el Nahuatl.
Curso de Nahuatl en Español (variedad Huasteca)
Curso de Nahuatl en Español. (Se usa ortografía de: s=z,c; k=c,qu; j=saltillo e indicar conjugación plural (en lugar de h)
Classical Nahuatl Lessons (Classical orthography: c/qu=k, ci/ce=si/se, z=s, h=saltillo/glottal stop and used to separate vowels)
Nahuatl Course in English (Uses classical spelling: c/qu=k, ci/ce=si/se, z=s, h=saltillo/glottal stop and used to separate vowels)
Sample pages of Basic Nahuatl Guide: An Overview of Classical Nahuatl for Beginners:
Curso de Nahuatl en Español (variedad Huasteca)
Curso de Nahuatl en Español. (Se usa ortografía de: s=z,c; k=c,qu; j=saltillo e indicar conjugación plural (en lugar de h)
Classical Nahuatl Lessons (Classical orthography: c/qu=k, ci/ce=si/se, z=s, h=saltillo/glottal stop and used to separate vowels)
Nahuatl Course in English (Uses classical spelling: c/qu=k, ci/ce=si/se, z=s, h=saltillo/glottal stop and used to separate vowels)
Sample pages of Basic Nahuatl Guide: An Overview of Classical Nahuatl for Beginners:

librito_nahuatl_booklet_4pg.pdf |
Nahuatl Dictionary and Glossary
NOTE ON SPELLING: How to spell Nahuatl? Nawatl? Nauatl? by Magnus Pharao Hansen
Diccionario Nahuatl <--> Español
(Usar ortografia clasica de Nahuatl: qu, c, z, h)
Diccionaire Nahuatl-Français
(options: recherche ou repertoire, "une reprise de l'ouvrage de Rémi Siméon, le Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine"; grammaire compris. utiliser ortographie classique: qu, c, z, h)
Poetry and songs in Nahuatl with English Translation
NOTE ON SPELLING: How to spell Nahuatl? Nawatl? Nauatl? by Magnus Pharao Hansen
Diccionario Nahuatl <--> Español
(Usar ortografia clasica de Nahuatl: qu, c, z, h)
Diccionaire Nahuatl-Français
(options: recherche ou repertoire, "une reprise de l'ouvrage de Rémi Siméon, le Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine"; grammaire compris. utiliser ortographie classique: qu, c, z, h)
Poetry and songs in Nahuatl with English Translation
Blogs and Resources (unreviewed)
Nikan Azkan Revista- La palabra de los abuelos, Mexikayotl
Movimiento ProAnauak- Blog en Español
Nikan Azkan Revista- La palabra de los abuelos, Mexikayotl
Movimiento ProAnauak- Blog en Español