Footless Dancers
The Footless Dancers series is a collection of 13 paintings of Mexika dancers paired with verses of my poem, "Footless Dancers." This series celebrates the survival of a history of violence and continued aggression through inaccurate versions of history and misrepresentation. The paintings show Mexika dancers symbolically resisting oppression: Their energy bursts forth despite their confined space; their vibrant colors stand out among gray backgrounds; they are missing limbs and parts, yet continue to dance. The poetry, word placement, font, and creative spelling defy conventions. The paintings vary in size from 50" in height to only 24" tall and are displayed to be read from right to left and bottom to top in a serpentine pattern. The images pictured are originals, which are replaced with similar paintings in the same size as they are sold. Footless Dancers is a visual and written celebration of spiritual liberation.
Esta série se trata de 13 cuadros de acrílico y tinta sobre tela que llevan escritas versos del mi poema, "Danzantes sin pies." El tema es de sobrevivir un pasado lleno de violencia y falsas historias. Los danzantes de los imagenes resaltan, llenos de energía, y aunque les faltan extremidades, siguen danzando con entusiasmo, y siguen resistiendo la opresión. Esta es una celebración de la liberación espiritual.
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Footless Dancers by Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo Why do you claim we ripped Each other’s hearts out? It was you who tried to rip ours out! But when you reached in to grip them We had already hidden them. So you took our feet, Our hands, Our tongues. You took our heads! Only our hearts remained. The blood flowed, But it flowed from the tips Of the sharpened crosses You drove into our lives. You dipped them, Still dripping blood, Into ink And wrote lies to hide your evil deeds. We planted your crosses, Planted our flowers around them, Tied green leaves to the tips. Now, as we dance without feet, As we pound drums without hands, As we sing our songs without tongues, And even without heads Remember the wisdom of our ancestors, We wash away your inks With the condensation Of our turquoise songs And burn your lies With the fire in our hearts. We will be whole again. You will share with us Your feet, your hands, Your tongues,your heads. You will replace what you took from us. We will be whole again. We will become the Moon And the walking waters Will turn their heads And know the truth. We will be whole again. We will share with you our hearts, Wash the blood and ink from your palms, And as you are finally able to see us With your eyes closed, You will know that we are one. Footless Dancers was first published in English and Spanish in Nos pasamos de la raya/ We Crossed the Line (2015). |
Broadside Poem: Footless Dancers |